Cute + Grim is fun for everyone!

We are a combined force of Nick Peters and Robin Sheldon - both illustrators and designers. We are a duo who have been creating side by side since 2009. We are two midwestern humans who have strong passions for pop culture, toys, bright colors, and cartoons. We take all of our interests, smash it all up, and funnel into whimsical, nostalgic, and fun art! We hope our work makes you smile.

We love to work with others! Don’t hesitate to reach out. We are always making new stuff, here are some places to find our work!

email at
instagram - cute.n.grim

tumblr - cute-n-grim

Find more of Nick’s work! - moustachelazors
Find more of Robin’s work! - robinlovesknives 

© Cute + Grim 2023